This is taken from an email in response to a query I put in theKnight-Times-L
Mailing list. Respondent wasPregraphic@aol.comThis line is very interesting and opens some possibilities for me. TheLDS
Ancestral file has my Richard KNIGHT who is found first in NH and laterin RI
as brother of a Joh KNIGHT b. 1587. John & Richard are sons of Williamand
Elizabeth CARTER KNIGHT. Wm was b. 12 May 1568 St. Mary & Ethelfri,Romsey,
England. Wm was the son of William and Elizabeth WILD KNIGHT. Thisearliest
Wm. (the grandfather of what appears to be my Richard and your John) wasb.
abt 1545 Romsey, Hampshire, England. I have not entered these three
generations before Richard into my database because I have no source forthem
other than the LDS Ancestral File. There has been some other member dataon
this recently.On a totally different line, I have Samuel LATHROP m. Sarah DOWNER.Parents
of Sarah are not certain but believed to be Joseph DOWNER. From a Downer
Genealogy, I have the following:Robert Downer and wife, Hannah Vincent, of Wiltshire, England, had twosons,
Robert and Joseph. The sons both evidently came to Newbury, Mass., about
1650. It is propable that both Moses Downer and Mary Downer, wife ofThomas
Sears (a corruption of Sayre), of Newbury, mentioned in the early Newbury
records, were of the same family.Robert Downer, house carpenter, first of Newbury and later of Salisbury
(Probably son or gson of Robert of Wiltshire) m Sarah dau of John & Martha
(Rowlandson) Eaton, of Salisbury. Children: Robert, Martha, John, Andrew,
Samuel, Sarah, Mary & Joseph.Joseph Downer, of Newbury (son or gson of Robert Downer and HannahVincent of
Wiltshire, Eng.), d at Newbury about 1715. He m. 9 July, 1660, Mary, dauof
John Knight of the same place. After the death of her husband she mayhave
rem to the home of her son Joseph at Norwich and was the old Mrs Downerwho
admitted to the West Farms Church Nov 1, 1719. Her father, John Knight of
Romsey Hants, England, sailed from Hampton in the ship James of London,300
tons, William Cooper Master. His wife''s name was Elizabeth. Theirchildren
(surname KNIGHT) (1) John m Bethsua Ingersoll; (2) Sarah m. John Bartlett;
(3) Mary m Joseph Downer. (John Knights will was proved at Salem, 2 June
1770. After providing for his w Elizabeth and his dau Sarah Bartlett, he
bequeaths four score L and certain land in Newbury to his dau Mary and toher
husband Joseph Downer, and after the death of his wife he gabe to his dau
Mary Downer his great kettle and a pewter candlestick, plate, etc.)Children
recorded at Newbury to Joseph & Mary - Mary, Joseph, Andrew, a daughter.Perhaps the Ancestral File is correct this time and I descend from both
Richard & John KNIGHT. By the way, I also have Elizabeth KNIGHT m. Thomas
KINNE, Salem. How does she fit in?
AFN: B62Q-D2
Info (name change and death date) from the LDS ancestral file database.
1 _FA2
2 DATE 25 JAN 1619/20
2 PLAC St. Mary'S Par, Bridport, Dorsetshire, ENG
1 _FA2
2 DATE 3 MAR 1630/31
2 PLAC North Benflett, ENG
1 _FA2
2 DATE 8 DEC 1611
2 PLAC Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
1 _FA1
2 DATE 1 NOV 1718
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Salem, Essx., MA