1 _FA1
2 DATE 11 JUN 1816
2 PLAC Cross Creek Twp, Washington Co. PA
File: Washingron County Will of Thomas Beatty
Floppy: ThomWill.wps
Will Book No. 3 No.60
Registered and compared with Original, the sixth day of August,annoDomini,
Isaac Kerr, Register
In the name of God, Amen. I. Thomas Beaty, of Cross Creek Township,Washington
County and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being weak of body but sound inmind
memory , thanks be to Allmighty God for the same, do publish this my lastwill
Testament in the manner and form following (that is to say )
First I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Margaret Beaty)after my just
debts are paid
) one third of my personal ptoperty be the samr more or less.I givebequeath to
my son,
Jesse Beaty the sum of one hundred twenty dollars allso a bed and beddinhworh
I give and bequeath to my son, William Beaty thr sum of one hundredtwenty
dollars, also
abed and beddinf worth fufty dollars
I give and bequeath to my daughter, Peggy Beaty the sum of one hundredtwenty
also a bed and bedding worth fifty dollars.
It is my will and plrasure that my son, Alexander Beaty shall have his
maintenance out of
my real estate during the term of his natural life and it is my will and
pleasure that my real
estate situate in the Township, County, and Commonwealth aforesaid ,adjoining
lands of
Jesse Jackson, Jacob Baxton, and others be sold in fifteen years after mydeath
, but if my
beloved wife, Margaret Beaty, my son Jesse Beaty, my son William Beaty,or any
two of
them shall agree to sell said estate before the expieation of said termof
fifteen years , and
the monies arising from the sale of said estate to be disposed of asfollows,
and it is my
will that the sleeping room in the house that I now occupy shall be atthe
disposal of my
beloved wife Matgaret Beaty unto the time said estate shall be sold
I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Margaret Beaty, one third of the
income of
said estate while it remains unsold. Also one third of the interest ofthe
monies arising
from the sale of said estate.
I give and bequeath unto my son, Jesse Beaty, the sum of three hundredtwenty
I give and bequeath unto my son, William Beaty, the sum of three hundredywenty
I give and bequeath unto my daughter .Peggy Beaty, the sum of threehundred
I give and bequeath unto my son, Thomas Beaty, the sum of two dollars
I give and bequeath unto my daughter, El;izabeth Smith, the sum of twenty
And tge remainder of the price of said estate, when collected, be thesame more
or less
shall be equally divided among the following persons, exceppt my daughter,
Rogers, who is to have one hundred dollars less than an equal share withJohn
James Beaty, Samuel Braty, Jesse Beaty, William Beaty (my sons ) and Peggy
Beaty, my
And lastly, I do hereby appoint Thomas Patterson, Esq. and Benjamin Bayto be
the soul
executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all formerwills
by me made/
Witness my hand and seal this nineteenth day of October, one thousandeight
hundred and
thirteenThos. Beaty (seal)
Signed,sealed, and delivered in the presents of the testator Test.Nicholas
Reed, John
Washington County, SS. Be it remembered that on the thirteenth day ofAugust,
in thr
year pf our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen , before me, Isaac
Kerr, register
of the probate of wills and granting letters of administration
Changed name to Ephraim upon immigration.
185. Gertrauth (Charity) Rockensteuer
1 _FA2
2 DATE 28 NOV 1780
2 PLAC Cntral Brunswick, Rensselaer, New York, USA
Changed name to Charity.
From "The Downers of America" by David R. Downer Newark, N.J. 1900
1025 +Adolphus, b 10 Jan, 1775. Rem to Ithaca, N.Y., about 1843 and d
there.dob confirmed by Barbour Collection entry - Reel 25 DOW - DZ.
DOWNER, Adolphus s. Dr Joshua and Huldah b Jan 19, 1775 Preston VitalRecords
Vol 2 page 90Downer, Adolphus
Census Index: United States Selected Counties, 1820
Family Archive #314Downer, Adolphus
Census Index: United States Selected Counties, 1830
Family Archive #315
1 _FA1
2 PLAC City Cemetery, Ithaca, Tompkins, New York
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Shippenville, Clarion Co., Pennsylvania, USA
Info on Peter was given by Earl Hitt. See info on Velma Mae KISER for
more info.Found on Earl Hitt's Web site http://
on January 8, 1999.Kiser Family Background & First Generation
It is believed that the Kiser family is German in origin and that thename came from the German "Kaiser" (middle high German Keiser, old highGerman Keisar, from the Latin imperial title Caesar, which originallyitself was a family name. There has been several spellings of the familyname; i.e., Kaiser, Kayser, Keiser, Kiser, etc. The most common in thisfamily line is Kiser, which is probably a derivative of Kaiser. It is notknown when the "a" was dropped from Kaiser.
The accepted progenitor of the Kiser Family in America is Peter Kiserwho married Mary Margretha Straus and were the parents of elevenchildren. Some researchers believe that Peter was the son of ValentineKiser who moved from Northampton County to Westmoreland County,Pennsylvania, died and was buried ther on 7 September 1785 (age 75 yr. 11mo.). However, there is no proof that this Valentine Kiser is the fatherof Peter Kiser.
Peter Kiser was born about 1759 probably in Northampton County,Pennsylvania and he died about 1829 probably in Clarion County,Pennsylvania. In about 1785, he married Mary Margretha Straus, born about1764, died about 1850. Peter and Mary are buried in Lutherin Cemetery inShippenville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, where their originaltombstone was still standing in 1992 along side a new modern tombstone.It is believed that Peter Kiser moved to Clarion County, Pennsylvania in1817 and settled on a farm near Elk City.1
Peter and Mary were the parents of eleven children:2Sarah Elizabeth Kiser. Sarah was born on 4 June 1764. She married JohnKuhns.
Daniel Kiser. Daniel was born on 17 March 1789.
Catherine Kiser. Catherine was born on 17 November 1790.
Peter Kiser, Jr. Peter Jr. was born on 21 December 1792. He marriedSherry.
John Kiser. John was born on 13 December 1794 and he died on 2 July 1888.He married Barbara Beamer. He and Barbara are buried in LutheranCemetery, Shippenville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania. John's birth hasbeen reported as 12 December 1795 and his tombstone is incribed 1795,however, his birth record at Franklin & Marshall College Library giveshis birth as 13 December 1794 and his baptism as 12 April 1795.3
George Kiser. George was born on 10 December 1797 and died on 2 June1880. His first wife was Mary O'Neal whom he married about 1847. George'ssecond wife was Elizabeth Delo who he married about 1823/24. It was foundthat George wrote his name "Keiser" and was from Elk City, Pennsylvania.1
Joseph Kiser. Joseph was born on 22 February 1802 and died on 12 May1882. He married Susanna Swail. Both are buried in Lutheran Cemetery,Shippenville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania.
Maria Margaretha "Polly" Kiser. Maria was born on 27 February 1804. Shemarried John McDowell.
Soloman Kiser. Soloman was an epileptic and may have died a young man.
Hannah Kiser. Hannah married Jerry Heasley.
Margaret Ann "Peggy" Kiser. Margaret married John Whitmer.
The Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VI.
Unpublished: "Record of Descendants of Peter Kiser Believed to be Son ofValentine Kiser", by Avalyn M. Kiser, Aug. 1955, Revised 1956. Copy inthe possession of Earl J. Hitt, obtained from Amy May (Kiser) Berg,mother-in-law.
The family of John Kiser has been submitted to L.D.S.:AFN:341R-CJM:1394363. The submitter was: George Whitehead, 1008 E.Phoenix, Grand Island, NE 68801; Submission AF83-089045.Record of Descendants of Peter Kiser
Avalyn M. KiserAvalyn M. Kiser was a great-great-granddaughter of Peter and Mary(Straus) Kiser. Her, unpublished, history was written in August, 1955 andthe last revision was in 1956. It consists of 40 pages of of hand-writtenfamily trees with some dates and comments. It traces the family of Peterand Mary (Straus) Kiser well into the 1940's and 1950's. Avalyn Kiser"assumed" that Peter Kiser's father was Valentine Kiser who died at theage of 75 years 11 months and was buried on 7 August 1785. Avalyn'sfamily history constains almost 3500 names of Kiser descendants, most ofwhom were from Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. The following is AvalynKiser's introduction to her family history. The family trees are notlisted here because of the length of the material.
This family history begins with PETER KISER who according to lettersfrom EMANUEL KISER to his nieces, Letitia and Della and confirmed by dateon his gravestone, was born in 1759. He was born in that part ofNorthampton Co., Pa. which is now Lehigh Co. According to the "History ofClarion County" by A. J. Davis in 1887, PETER KISER came to WestmorelandCo. in 1817. Westmoreland Co. then included what is now Bedford Co.,Westmoreland Co. and Somerset Co. No information has been found as towhat part PETER was in. Some now living recall hearing their fathers andgrandfathers tell that VALENTINE KISER, PETER's father came with him fromNorthampton Co. to Westmoreland Co. and died and was buried there. On theother hand, IVIN CHARLES KISER of Coraopolis, Pa. (1956) has papers givenhim by his father naming FALTY and HELVIG as father and grandfather ofPETER. Every effort has failed thus far to find proof as to who PETER'sfather and mother were.
A day was spent in Allentown in 1955 searching for information. Therewere no records in the Court House. Visits to residents whose names areKEISER, KISER or KAISER were made in Allentown and Alburtis. None knewenough about their ancestors to name any but their father andgrandfather. Their grandfathers could have been brothers or nephews ofPETER, but no information could give such a hint or clue. An aged man,Mr. CORTLAND KEISER lives on part of the 140 acres deeded to his familyby WILLIAM PENN.
DELLA KISER Johnson, Shippenville, has in her possession a copy of birthand baptism certificates of five of PETER's children. She made a copy forme. It begins thus: "Notes from a record in Zionsville Reformed Church,Upper Milford Twp., Northampton Co., regarding PETER KISER and wife MARYMARGRETHA." Hoping to see the original, I went to Zionsville. A beautifulnew stone church replaces the old one. The present minister told me allhistorical records were removed two years previous to my visit to theChurch College, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster. In December1955, I spent a half day in that library. In May 1956, I returned for onefull day. Every index card in the Genealogy Department and everyreference from those cards were given me. I have pages and pages of notesfrom the volumes of Pennsylvania German Society"; "The PennsylvaniaGermans" which is a magazine of biography; "Reprints of the MorningCall", and the volumes and the index of Pennsylvania Archives.
The name VALENTINE appeared in a number of ways but never to assure methat he or any other Valentine was PETER's father. The name FALTY orHELVIG did not appear once. This reference could be to a FELTY. Namely, arecord of an immigration list "List 9A. A list of Palatimate Passengers,Imported into Philadelphia in the Ship Mortonhouse, James CoultasCommander from Rotterdam, Aug. 17, 1729. Walder Keyser (or VeltenKeiser)."
These ship lists may sometime afford some link of information:
List 25A - In Ship Mary of London, from Rotterdam from Cowes by Dearame,Sept. 26, 1732, Christopher Kizer (Keyser, Keiser, Kiser). (Also AgnisKeyser).
List 22A - Pink Plaisance, John Parrett, Master from Rotterdam but lastfrom Cowes, Sept. 21, 1732, Hans Jacob Kyser, Paulus Keyser, Susan Kiser,Magritt Kisaron (Keiser a child).
List 148C - At Court House, Philadelphia, Aug. 13, 1750. Ship Edinburgh,Capt. James Russel, Master, from Rotterdam but last from PortsmouthEngland, Valentin Keyser.
List 222A - Ship Phoenix, John Spurrier, Master, from Rotterdam, Oct. 1,1754, Valentin Keyser.
A reference in a reprint of "The Morning Call, April 17, 1943" a writernamed NICOLAUS KEISER and PETER KEISER as assistants to a buildingcommittee for the Long Swamp Church in 1748. This was before birth of ourPETER KISER. In an issue of the same leaflet, Oct. 27, 1851, we find,"Among prominent pioneer colonists in Upper and Lower Milford Twps, 1735- 1750 were Valentine Keiser, Conrad Wetzel and . . . ."
In tax lists, I found (Ed. Lehigh and Northampton Counties, PA.):
Valentine Kessar, farmer 1772
Upper Milford Twp. 1785. Valentine Keyser, 38 acres, 1 cow. Tax 4.10.Again in 1786.
Upper Milford Twp. 1785. Peter Keisser, 280 acres, 4 horses, 6 cows. In1788 300 acres, 4 horses, 6 cows.
Contrary to information given me at Zionsville Parsonage, the originalbirth and baptismal certificates have not been delivered to Franklin andMarshall College and the genealogist has been trying to locate themwithout success. In this library, however, are histories of the GreatSwamp and the Long Swamp Churches as well as separate volumes of recordscopied from those (legal?) papers.
In the church records of Goshenhoppen, which seems to also be the GreatSwamp Church, a list of names of heads of families in 1748 - 1758contains VALIDIN KAISER. In list of Catechimens for the same period areVALITIN KAISER, ANNA MARIA KAISER, and BARBARA KAISER. In another part ofrecords appears this burial record, "Valentin Kaiser, buried Sept. 7,1785, aged 75 yr. 11 mo."1
In a volume "Reformed Church Records From Upper Milford (1757 - 1785)"are church records of the Upper Milford Reformed Congregation, New ZionsReformed Church, Zionsville, Lehigh County (Ed. formerly part ofNorthampton County), Pennsylvania, copied by Wm J. Hinke, August 1936,was found the family of Peter Kayser 2 and his wife Mary Margretha:
Sarah Kayser Born: June 4, 1787 Bapt: July 1, 1787 Frank Reiss & wifeMarie
Daniel Kayser Born: Mar. 17 1789 Bapt: April 19, 1789 Frederick StrausElizabeth Keyser, Single
Catherine Kayser Born: Nov. 17, 1790 Bapt: June 23, 1791 John Straus,Single Catherine Kayser, Single
John Peter Kayser3 Born: Dec. 21, 1792 Bapt: Mar. 17, 1793 ValentineKayser & wife Margaret
John Kayser Born: Dec. 13, 1794 Bapt: Apr. 12, 1795 David Straus &wife Philippina
George Kayser Born: Dec. 10, 1797 Bapt: Mar. 24, 1798 Jacob Straus &Maria Oberlick
Joseph Kayser Born: Feb. 22, 1802 Bapt: May 2, 1802 Valentine Keyser &Catherine Keyser
Maria Margretha Kayser Born: Feb. 27, 1804 Bapt: May 20, 1804 ConradWetzel & Anna Maria
These names of children and dates confirm dates from other sources andused on following pages (ed. the family trees are not reproduced here).Page 4 is omitted for present time, held up for definite information onDANIEL and CATHERINE. Someone has said that DANIEL was killed as a youngman at a barn raising. This is not yet confirmed. Various conflictingstatements and rumors have been studied for CATHERINE but not confirmed.These eight children came into Clarion Co. with PETER and MARY. Threeother children, SOLOMAN an epiliptic, and HANNAH and PEGGY were born. Nofurther information appears at present for SOLOMAN.
AVALYN KISER4 is very grateful for all the help each one gave her.Information added after the first prints were made account for sub-numberof pages. Many names and dates are still missing. These can be added ifgiven later.OTHER INFORMATION: LETTER FROM JANE KISER, CLARION, PA, 18 AUGUST 1955
Valentine Keyser (or Keiser) was of German descent. He was born:Northampton County, PA, 1769. He moved to Hanover, PA. Wife: CathernSalome Saum of Christian. Children: John, Charles, and Peter. Valentineis supposed to be the father of the Peter who came to Elk township.5
This would indicate that Valentin was born 7 October 1709.
Peter and Mary are buried in the Lutheran Cemetery in Shippenville,Pennsylvania. The original tombstone was still standing in Sept. 1992; anew more modern tombstone also marks the grave-site.
Tombstone still marks John and wife Barbara's graves in LutheranCemetery, Shippenville, Pennsylvania. John's date of birth was engravedas 1795. The family of JOHN KISER has been submitted to L.D.S.:AFN:341R-CJM:1394363. The submitter was: George Whitehead, 1008 E.Phoenix, Grand Island, NE 68801; Submission AF83-089045.
Avalyn is the daughter of Elmer Wilson Kiser and Genevive May Call.Avalyn died in 1982 and is buried in Pleasant Mount Cemetery,Shippenville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania.
Evalyn and Jane's versions do not agree. In Avalyn Kiser's version, Peterwas born in 1759. Jane Kiser gives Valentine's birth as 1769 a full tenyears after the birth of Peter. It is most likely that Evalyn and Janeare refering to different people.Found on Ancestry.com January 7, 1999
KISER Felty 175? Virginia Heads of Fams. at the first U.S. census. Va. ByU.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1908. (189p.): 76
ROCKINGHAM COUNTY.Name of head of family: Kiser, Felty
White: 3From: Selected US/International Marriage Records1340-1980 CD#403
Marriage Year: 1796
The gender of Peter Kiser is male.
Birth Year: 1759
Birth Location Code: PA
The location code shown here is as originally provided to Broderbund - aone or two-character code, sometimes based on the first one or twoletters of the location and sometimes based on other abbreviations.Unfortunately, these codes can not be accurately conver
The Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VI.
Unpublished: "Record of Descendants of Peter Kiser Believed to be Son ofValentine Kiser", by Avalyn M. Kiser, Aug. 1955, Revised 1956. Copy inthe possession of Earl J. Hitt, obtained from Amy May (Kiser) Berg,mother-in-law.
The family of John Kiser has been submitted to L.D.S.:AFN:341R-CJM:1394363. The submitter was: George Whitehead, 1008 E.Phoenix, Grand Island, NE 68801; Submission AF83-089045.
Peggy SHAWGO is listed as the Head of Household in the 1810 New YorkCensus
Index. The listing is as follows:SHAWGO, Peggy MONTgomery Co. 003 (page) 22000-10
The Key to the Federal Census index.
Column One - Lists in alphabetical order the name of the individualsfound in
the original census record. It should be understood that all of the names
found therein are the heads of each household. The asterisk (*)following a
name indicates that the spelling of the name is in question. When givennames
are abreviated in the census and the abreviation is CLEARLY understood,the
name is written out in the index.Column two - contains a four letter code which pertains to the counties.
Each code uses the first four letters of the regular spelling of thecounty;
thus RENS stands for Rensselaer ; ect.Column three - the page number refernce to the national archives microfilm
publication.Column four - a set of numbers whichrefer to the number of individuals inthe
respective household. The first digit is the number of males under 10years of
age. The second digit is the number of males ages 10 but under 16 .Third is
the number of males 16 but under 26. Forth is the males 26 but under 45.Fifth
is the males 45 and over. Sixth is the females under 10. Seventh is thefemales
10 but under 16. Also in the census but not in the index are numbers for
females 16 but under 26, females 26 but under 45 and 45 and over. Also a
number of other free persons in the household and another number of ineach
household.There is no husband listed on this. I wonder if this is the Shawgo womanthat
married the Indian man??She appears to have 2 boys under 10 years old and 2 boys between 10 and16.
In the 1820 Census Index, She is not listed but the following names are:
New York (1820)SHAWGO, George MONTgomery Co. 374(page) Johnstow(n)
SHAWGO, Nicholas MONTgomery Co. 374(page) Johnstow(n)The New York 1830 Census Index has the following names:
SHAWGO, George CATTaraugus Co. 240(page) Conewang
SHAWGO, John CATTaraugus Co. 240(page) Conewang
SHAWGO, Peter CATTaraugus Co. 240(page) ConewangThese could be three of Peggy's boys.
In the 1840 Pennsylvania Census Index the following names appear:
SHAWGO, Conrod** MERCer Co. 294(page) Neshanno
SHAWGO, George** MERCer Co. 336(page) Shenango
SHAWGO, Conrod** MERCer Co. 294(page) NeshannoIn the 1850 Pennsylvania Census Index the following names appear:
SHAWGO, Conrad LAWrence Co. 119(page) North Slipperyrock twp.