Ancestors of Janet Elaine GUERRA


12052. Thomas Gates

This information was from a BBS message from Tom Stevens on November 2,
Death info and birth info from LDS ancestral file database.
AFN: 25N8-48

12068. John GALLOP

From Gallup Genealogy
2nd edition BYU 1987


(1-1) John Gallop, son of John and Mary (Crabbe) Gollop, b. ca. 1590England
(of Mosterne); d. Jan 11 1650 Boston, Mass.; m. Jan 19 1617 St. Mary's,
Bridport, Dorsetshire, England to Christobel Brushett (JDM) who d. Sep 271655
Boston, Mass.

John Gallop set sail for Boston on Mar 20 1630 on the Mary and John,captained
by Thomas Chubb. The reason for his departure is speculation; conceivablyhe
may have wished to explore the possibilities of settling in New England;
perhaps he may have desired to consider the prospects of engaging in
transporting immigrants to the New World.

"Seventy-one days later, on May 30, 1630, Capt. Chubb nosed the Mary andJohn
into the cove behind Nantasket Beach and dropped anchor off where thevillage
of Hull stands; in violation of his contract to land his 140 passengerson the
bank of the Charles River, he discharged them on the sand dunes ofNantasket.
The stranded passengers hired a boat to carry them to Watertown and
subsequently the party removed to unoccupied land in what is nowDorchester,
Mass." (CJG)

John Gallop did not remain in Dorchester long. He removed to Boston and"was
one to the earliest grantees of land at the northerly part of the town,where
he had a wharf-right and house." (JHS) The locality was known as Gallop'sPoint
as was the southeast part of the peninsular. He had acquired a ship; was
engaged in coastal trade and, on occasion, served as pilot for shipsentering
Boston harbor.

His wife and children had not accompanied him on his trip to the NewWorld.
Apparently, Christobel hesitated to undertake a long and uncertain seavoyage
to an undisclosed country, in spite of urgent encouragement by herhusband.
"John Gallop was so concerned that he contemplated returning to England.He
had become an important man in the colony and this disturbed GovernorWinthrop
who wrote to the great Puritan leader, the Rev. John White in Dorchester:(CJG)

'I have muh difficultye to keep John Gallop here by reason of his wifewill not
come. I marvayle at the woman's weaknesse. I pray pursuade her andfurther
her coming by all means. If she will come, let her have the remainder ofhis
wages; if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his children, if so hedesires.
It would be about &40 Losse to him come for her. Your assured in theLord's
worke, J. Winthrop, Massachusetts, Jul 4 1632'"(WP)

The Rev. Mr. White evidently persuaded Mrs. Gallop and successfullyfurthered
her coming. She and the children arrived on Sep 4 1633 on the Griffin,after
an eight weeks' crossing; her husband piloted the ship into Boston Harborthru
a new channel he had discovered, the channel running close by Lovell'sIsland,
a quarter of a mile east of his Gallop's Island.

He was made a freeman in April 1634. He was admitted to First Church,Boston
Jan 6, 1634; his wife was admitted Jun 22 1634.

John Gallop was a pioneer in the vitally important coastal trade between
Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. " Within a year after hemoved to
oston, there was great concern in the Providence Plantation when hisshallop
and its cargo of foodstuffs was overdue, and Roger Williams wrotethankfully to
his friend Governor Winthrop, 'God be praised, Capt. Gallop hatharrived.'"

On Dec 6 1632, Gallop and his vessel were engaged by the Massachusetts
Magistrates for the first naval task force sent out by any New Englandcolony.
The French had fortified a couple of outposts and from these footholds,they
raided Penobscot, carrying off 300 weight of beaver skins belonging to the
Plymouth colony, and they also captured and robbed an English seacaptain, Dixy
Bull. To add to the troubles, Bull having been stripped of his cargo,turned
pirate and was preying upon Massachusetts fishing and shipping. Capt.Gallop's
ship manned with 20 volunteers under the command of his friend, JohnMason, was
dispatched to police these predations. Head winds and a blizzard forcedCapt.
Gallop to take refuge in Cape Ann Harbor; here he was storm-bound twoweeks,
returning to Boston on Jan 2. When Spring came, he sailed forth again,but he
failed to find his quarry, for Bull had sailed south to Virginia. TheGeneral
Court of Massachusetts voted &10 each to Gallup and Mason "to pay for any

In 1635, John Gallop was engaged to transport the Cogswell family fromMaine.
John Cogswell had embarked from Bristol, England, on May 23, 1635; thepassage
was long and disastrous; those on board were washed ashore from the broken
decks of their wrecked ship Angel Gabriel, at Pemaquid (now Bristol,Maine).
John Cogswell and his family were spared their lives. Fortunately, theyhad
salvaged a large tent which was pitched upon the beach and sheltered themuntil
help arrived. At his first opportunity John Cogswell took passage forBoston,
where he engaged Capt. Gallup, who commanded a small bark, to sail toPemaquid
and transport the Cogswell family to Ipswich, Mass. Bay Colony. (HAF)

In the spring of 1636, John Gallup, bent on a spring trading cruise, castoff
from his wharf in Boston Harbor in his sloop with his son William and ahired
man as crew. Having rounded Cape Cod he laid a course by dead reckoningfor
Saybrook point.

Off Block Island they sighted a small ship anchored in a broad cove close
inshore. She appeared to be deserted; there was no watch on deck. Herrigging
was loose and her gaff swung wildly to and fro as she rocked in thechoppy sea.

Gallop hove to and on approaching recognized a pinnace of John Oldham, a
coastwise trader; on deck there was a score of Indians lying asleep. Hehailed
and a couple of Indians jumped into a heavily laden canoe lashedalongside and
paddled rapidly for the shore. There was great confusion aboard thepinnace,
but the natives succeeded in slipping the cable and standing off beforethe
wind headed for Narragansett Bay.

Convinced that Oldham was in trouble, Gallop haulded up alongside and was
greeted with a shower of spears an arrows and a volley from severalmuskets.
His sons opened fire with two great duck guns mounted on swivels--no mean
armament--and the savages took refuge below deck. The odds were too greatto
risk boarding so Gallop put up his helm and beat to windward, then comingabout
bore down on the pinnace before the wind. The 20 ton sloop rammed thesmaller
vessel with such force that she heeled over on her beam end and waterpoured
down the hatchway. Panic stricken, the Indians scrambled on deck; several
leaped overboard and were drowned; the others hid in the hold. Gallupwithdrew
to repeat his ramming maneuvre.

He had the sudden inspiration to make the blow more devastating bylashing his
anchor to the bow, its sharp flukes pointing outward, thus improvising an
iron-clad ram two centuries before naval architects adopted this idea. The
pinnace was now virtually adrift, falling off to leeward, and when thesloop
again crashed into her windward quarter the flukes of an anchor-rampenetrated
the hull. The two ships were clamped fast together.

12069. Christobel Crabbe BRUCHETT

1 _FA2
2 DATE 22 JUN 1634

12080. Paul Tracy

1 _FA1
2 DATE 10 AUG 1626
2 PLAC Nether Swell, Stanway, Gloucester, England


12081. Anne SHAKERLY

1 _FA2
2 PLAC (7-1570)